The Woad Project ~ sowing seeds

Good morning! When you have a minute today or tomorrow, grab yourself a coffee and head outside to your potting area or tunnel.

It is time for sowing Woad seeds!

If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know!
My husband was kind enough to volunteer, so I could take pictures
- just to confirm that these hairy arms aren't mine! -
Follow the pictures to see what needs to be done:

1. Fill your seed tray or plug tray/pots with potting compost, breaking it up as you go.

Seed tray

2.Pressing the soil down lightly in the seed tray; make sure each module of the plug tray is filled with soil

Before dropping

Before dropping

Lift the plug tray and let go


3. Plug tray only: Lift it and drop it on the floor/table the sol will have lightly compacted in the modules as shown in picture.

Plug tray

4. Sow one seed per module in plug tray; distribute seeds evenly across seed tray. if using small pots, one seed per pot. Sow a minimum of 10. Not all seeds might come up.

5. Don't be alarmed! We have a fancy sieve, but you can simply use your hands! Just rub the soil between your plans and spread it over the trays until all seeds are covered.

6. Turn the head of your watering can up, holes facing the ceiling/sky, as shown on picture.

7. Start watering away from the trays once flowing, water the trays evenly. That way you won't flush the seeds out and away.

8. That's it! All in all it takes about 15 minutes :)

9. Keep the trays moist (not drowned) - if you see dry patches, it is time to water. Germination should happen within a week.

10. When Germination happens:

If you have your trays/pots in a greenhouse or tunnel, don't do anything, just make sure they don't dry out.
If you keep them inside, You have to make sure that they don't grow leggy or turn yellow.
Steps to follow: if the weather is nice (not too cold, rain, storm or snow) put them outside during the day and bring them back in late afternoon (only once germinated). If you have them on a windowsill turn the tray/pot regularly so the seedlings grow evenly and don't lean to one side.

In about 7-10 days you should see little seedlings coming up
Make sure they don't dry out :)

Happy Sowing!


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