Want to take a look?

Welcome to our brand new Etsy shop, AppleOak FibreWorks, a world of colour that you never thought possible...

Apple Oak Fibre Works are based in County Clare in Ireland. We are hand dyers of  natural fibres, using our own specialist plant-based dyes. No nasty chemicals, no industrial processing, and a commitment to having a really small impact on our environment. We are a cottage industry and our ethos and commitment to all things natural is what we are ultimately aiming for.

So what are we producing? 

  • protein fibres: silk and wools from 18+ different sheep breeds,  merino, cashmere, yak, alpaca
  • plant fibres: traditional flax and hemp plus more modern fibres such as seacell (seaweed), rose, banana and so on as well as more rustic hand-spin such as nettle yarn...

As well as our own specialist yarns you will also be able to buy lots of hand-picked crafting products and general supplies for felt making, doll making, crafting, spinning, knitting and fibre crafts. Plus  so much more...

    We started out as sourcing specially sourced craft yarns for my workshops, but I got frustrated with a lack of both natural yarns and a lack of natural dyes, so we decided to give dying a go ourselves, as we are surrounded by plant foliage and flowers to forage and experiment with colour. Gradually, my experimentation with plant dyes have taken over, so Apple Oak really brings out the natural aspect of the business and this natural process of dying fibres is now the heart of what we do. 

    Why Fibre Works? Well because in the long term, we are hoping to process our own fibres such as flax, and we will commit to sourcing more local wool plus other natural fibres, thus supporting other cottage industries in Ireland, helping to create a real revival in our traditional rural economy. This is the big dream. If you share our values, help us by being a part of this journey, and keep crafting!

    At Apple Oaks Fibre Works, 
    we really make sure that you can trust our product and rely on our ability to source the very best, the most ethical and the most natural. You are going to fall in love with colour, all over again...just as we have.

    To celebrate our new beginnings, please accept our gift of 20% off a minimum of €25 order. Happy Crafting Every One! 
